Okay, these aren't really freak flags, but it's a saying my husband likes to pull out from time to time and it was too good to pass up.
I obviously seem to be more into party banners than my original rainbow project from the beginning of the summer. C'est la vie. I like the red in this one, but the blue and white triangles are looking boring to me now. It's what I had on hand, already pre-cut and everything, and we know how much I dislike the tedious task of cutting.
I also do not like how thick the red border is compared to the original khaki one. But again it's what I had on hand and I also dislike buying new things. This post is getting really negative really quickly.
Well what I really want to say is that I'm reading "Bend the Rules with Fabric" by the fabulous Amy Karol, and I'm feeling inspired to "bend" the rules. Stamping? Bleach pen? Fabric paint? We shall see...