Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Sewing Has Been Done

I finished my second custom order for Seamingly Sarah. A cute little bag for a world traveler. I think this accomplished young woman (it's for my sister, I have to brag about her!) will enjoy it while trekking through Africa this summer!

But I may have been a fool to take on a queen size quilt too (since it's for my youngest sister, she won't mind if it takes awhile!).  I can find 5 minute increments to sew, but that takes a while to add up when the project is in the dimensions of 90" x 96"! Oy. Right now I'm stuck on what to do for the backing. I love to repurpose stuff and make do with what I have (i.e. whittle down my stash of fabric before another single piece comes into this house!), but I just don't have something that will work. I'll just dig deeper.

I'm feeling better about this whole mom-hood gig. I read something on Momformation (on that resonated with me...something along the lines that this is just a season. Similiar to "This too shall pass." But more like this is the season for playing pretend, dress up, nursing, making silly faces to entice a smile and nothing else. Yes, I feel boring when I recite what I did for the day to my husband (who by the way is my biggest supporter). Yes, I yearn to dive into my bin of fabric and not come out for days. Yes, I feel socially awkward at the thought of finding mom friends (that's a whole other post). But this is now and now requires reciting Cinderella or Beauty and the Best to my three year old and carrying around a chunky newborn (love her to bits and pieces). Tomorrow may be different.

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