Thursday, May 6, 2010


Since the last month was filled with quilts the mending pile has started to loom over my sewing corner. Pants to hem, baby blankets to repair, elastic to salvage. Last night was dedicated to mending, the less creative side of sewing, but it's just as satisfying to have the tasks finished. Have I ever told you that I'm a list person? My mother instilled this quirk in me long ago and now my perfectionist side can't let go of it. It is literally rewarding to me to cross off an item on my to do list (or mending pile as it be).

Don't worry, it's not all work and now play. Coming up will be some rainbow crazy quilt blocks. I'm just not so sure all the blocks will end up in a quilt. Placemats anyone?

I've started the red blocks, but I find myself lacking any orange fabric and short on yellow. Anyone know a quilting shop that sells scraps around here?

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