Monday, March 28, 2011

The Ultimate Mommy Monday

39 and a half weeks of pregnancy joys and pains broght me this

And we couldn't be happier.

My life is broken into 2-3 hour increments
I forgot how tiny newborn diapers are
Newborn burps are G-ross
The skin is sooooo soft
I'm surprised by the amount of love I have for both my daughterS
I LOVE saying "my daughterS"
I'm tired....naptime



  1. OOOOOOOOOO she is so cute! I can't wait to meet her! I am so happy for you guys.

  2. Oh Wow! How perfect. Well done, mom! You've obviously been busy. Okay, back to that nap you go.

  3. Look at that nose :) Bless her.

    Isn't it funny how right after a new baby, all your thoughts are fragmented? :)


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